Choosing the best path: Global to national coordinate transformations
Joel Haasdyk and Dr Volker Janssen
Recently a number of new transformationparameters have been published, allowing users to transform data between national Australian datum (GDA94) and the global (dynamic) ITRF datums. This has created a problem of choice because there are many different paths of transformation by which data can travel between these datums. This paper have demonstrated that differences of up to a few centimetres in each coordinate component can occur depending on the choice of the transformation method applied between both... [more] |
Spatially Smart Wine
Fadhillah Norzahari, Kate Fairlie, Adrian White, Mitchell Leach, Mark Whitty, Stephen Cossell, Jose Guivant and Jayantha Katupitiya
Spatially Smart Wine was a project initiated by an enthusiastic group of Sydney Young Surveyors, with the support of the Institute of Surveyors New South Wales and the School of Surveying and Spatial Information Systems and the University of New South Wales. First and second part of the paper was published in Dec'11 and Jan'12 issue respectively. Here is the concluding part of the paper... [more]
Building national capacity through spatial standards policies
Steven Ramage
SDIs are a key contributor to economic, social and institutional capacity building, and open standards that enable technical interoperability are a key component of SDIs.Such policies have a "capacity multiplier" effect, because open standards facilitate data sharing and promote geospatial technology market... [more]